If you’ve lived in Wisconsin, or the general vicinity, for any number of years, you may have wondered, “When I was a kid, why didn’t summer seem so hot?” Or, “why didn’t it seem so humid when I was younger?” These were questions that plagued me for many of the last several years. In an effort to find an answer, I performed an experiment in my apartment last summer. The results were nothing short of astounding!!!
Disclaimer: Before attempting to do something like I have done, it may be best to consult with your doctor. Not everyone will be able to do the things I did. Be sure that you are in good health, and your body is able handle the stresses of following this routine. Again, not everyone will be able to do it. If unsure, consult with your doctor.
I’ve lived in the same apartment in Port Washington, Wisconsin (metro Milwaukee) for the past 17 years. Throughout that time, I’ve always run the A.C., beginning in about May and running through about September. I have a number of fish tanks in my apartment, which generate heat. I also suffer from sleep apnea, so having a cool environment to live and sleep in was very important to me. Or so I thought.
In the summer of 2020 my experiment began. I decided to run the A.C. only when it was absolutely necessary. And when I say, “only,” I mean only! I did not run the A.C. in the apartment or in my car unless I literally got a headache or laid in bed for over 45 minutes and could not sleep, due to the temperature. Most of the year, the temperature in my apartment is in the high 70’s degrees Fahrenheit (24 to 25.5 degrees Celsius), and the relative humidity is about 30%. In the summer, without the A.C., the temperature climbs into the low to mid-80’s (27 to 29 degrees C.) This may not seem like a great change, but the relative humidity also climbed to 50% and above!
In addition to the initial uncomfortability of living without the A.C., I did a lot of sweating. And a lot of laundry! But, after a few weeks, my body acclimated to the higher temperatures and humidity. As time went on, I was able to effectively deal with the changes. I also started to notice when I spent time outdoors with other people, that I was able to easily take temperatures and humidities that made them sweat and complain. I would be sitting out on the patio with my friends and they would be complaining about how hot it was. And I sat there, totally fine!
As the summer progressed, I continued to live mostly without A.C. I do have to mention that the pets and plants I had at the time were Ok with these higher temps and humidities. With regard to my fishes, I just had to keep an eye on their water temperatures and the amount of water circulation in their aquariums. This was easily accomplished with strong aeration. I did have to make sure that water changes were kept up with, too, but that was not difficult.
My treefrogs, salamander and lizard had no problem, either. Just had to keep them properly fed and hydrated.
At the time, I also had a 13-Lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus), which was a rescue. He didn’t have too much trouble, but I had a fan circulating air in his enclosure at all times, and made sure he was properly fed and hydrated, as well.
My plants, too, had no problem at all, I just had to keep on top of keeping them watered.
All-in-all, my animals, plants and I made it through the summer just fine! In fact if it hadn’t been the summer of COVID, it might have been the best summer of my life! And who knows, maybe it was! My electric bills barely increased at all, and I was able to spend a lot of time outside. I enjoyed the weather, warm breezes and grass between my toes! Was it easy? Not at first, but I got used to it. Again, I did run the A.C. when I needed to, but at no other time. And as the summer eased into fall, I didn’t feel like I had missed out on the summer. I felt as if I had lived it!
I believe this routine worked because the human body is meant to experience variances in temperature and humidity throughout the year. Living in air-conditioned comfort for all of the summer months is not natural, and for most of human history has not been a possibility. I understand that there are people nowadays that have to live in air conditioning during the warm months. But what if you don’t have to?
Also, remembering back to when I was a child, we didn’t have central air. I and my family endured the warm months because we had to. I believe that this was why I remembered the summers not being so hot and humid when I was a child. Because, through no fault of our own, we had to experience the heat.
You may remember that I mentioned that this system allowed me to enjoy the following winter, too. Well, being that I have two degrees in biology, and based on the things that I experienced physiologically during the summer, I believe that experiencing the summer heat prepared me for the cold of winter. The winter of 2020 / 2021 was much easier to deal with than any winter in the last 20 years of my life. The colds didn’t feel as cold. The biting frost didn’t feel as strong. And the winds didn’t seem as, “windy.”
So, it seems I may have discovered the, “secret,” to enjoying weather in Wisconsin again! Live without the A.C. Enjoy!
Again, consult with your doctor before undertaking any health routine that has the potential to negatively effect your health.