Blacknose Dace – Rhinichthys obtusus – to 4″ (10.16 cm)
The native range of this species in the wild is the northern 2/3 of the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains, and nearby waters of neighboring Canada. There, they are found mostly in rocky runs and pools of headwaters, creeks and small rivers.
In the aquarium, they are very active inhabitants! They like to swim around the tank, and co-habitate with other community-minded fishes!
Great community fishes, they are not at all aggressive. They can be kept in groups ranging from all males to all females, and any combination in between! They can also be kept peacefully with just about any other fish in the aquarium, including: darters, small catfish, other minnows and many, many tropical and cool-water aquarium fishes!
Care Requirements:
Temperature Tolerance Range: 32-78°F (0-25.56°C.)
Preferred Temperature Range: 72-76°F (22.2-24.4°C) (room temperature water.)
Water Hardness: Medium to Hard.
Type of Tank Setup: Freshwater (cold) or Freshwater (tropical) / Species or Community.
Food: Flake, Live or Frozen.
Swimming Level: Mid-water to bottom.
Parasite Pre-Treated?: Yes. All wild-collected fish have been parasite pre-treated for internal and external parasites.
Special Requirements: Blacknose Dace need some water movement in the aquarium. This can be provided with a powerhead or strong filter outlet. In the absence of this water movement, they often develop back problems, which can be fatal.
Notes: Again, these guys are really active and like to hang out with other community-minded fishes. A group of them makes a great addition to any tank!