Blackstripe Topminnow – Fundulus notatus – to 3″ (7.62 cm)
The native range of this species in the wild is primarily the central- to east-central United States. There, they prefer the slackwater areas of rivers and streams.
In the aquarium, they make inquisitive inhabitants, coming to recognize their keeper and swimming to the front of the tank when the keeper is around! Topping out at 2.4 inches (6.0 cm) in length, these are one of only three native killifish species found in Wisconsin.
Great community fishes, they are also not aggressive. They can be kept in groups ranging from all males to all females, and any combination in between! They can also be kept peacefully with just about any other fish in the aquarium, including other darters, small catfish, minnows and many, many tropical and cool-water aquarium fishes!
Care Requirements:
Temperature Tolerance Range: 32-80°F (0-26.7°C.)
Preferred Temperature Range: 72-76°F (22.2-24.4°C) (room temperature water.)
Water Hardness: Medium to Hard.
Type of Tank Setup: Freshwater (cold) or Freshwater (tropical) / Species or Community.
Food: Live, Frozen or Flake.
Swimming Level: Top- to mid-water.
Parasite Pre-Treated?: Yes. All wild-collected fish have been parasite pre-treated for internal and external parasites.
Special Requirements: Blackstripe Topminnows like to swim in areas near water flow. Though they do need “calmer” areas of surface water to rest in, these fishes do best in an aquarium with some water movement.
Notes: These fish like to hang out in the surface- to midwater areas of the aquarium. Having floating plants for them to hide around/under makes them feel much more comfortable and relaxed.